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Nooé in businesses

Nooé allows companies to give back a portion of their profits to registered charities of their community while engaging their team members in the process.

Nooé en entreprise

Mobilize your team by letting them choose the causes to support.

Nooé allows each employee to choose where their portion of the corporate donation will go based on the causes that are close to their heart. We want to encourage companies to give back more, while mobilizing their employees.

The benefits


Nooé allows you to bring together your employees and thus strengthen your corporate culture. Engage your teams by allowing them to discover and choose the causes they wish to support.

Équipe Nooé

Simple and innovative

Nooé adapts to your needs. Whether it's for an annual donation campaign, employee recognition or Christmas gifts, our platform is flexible.



Nooé adapts to your needs. Whether it's for an annual donation campaign, employee recognition, or Christmas gifts, our platform is super flexible.


Tax benefits

Nooé automatically generates tax receipts for all donations being made, allowing you to benefit from the appropriate tax deductions.


Wide selection

Nooé brings together over 3,000 registered charities, allowing you to genuinely connect with the causes close to your heart.


How does it work?

Our platform allows each member of your team to choose the causes and registered charities they care about and send them a donation. A generous and easy way to support your community by engaging your employees.

Plateforme Nooé

The types of campaigns


Donations will come from an amount allocated by your company.

Logo corporatif


Donations will come solely from your employees.

Dons personnels

Matching donations

Donations will come from your employees personally and from an amount allocated by the company.

Dons jumelés


Donations will come from an amount allocated by your company for a gift campaign. This can be used as an employee recognition campaign, gifts for customers, gifts for employees, etc.


Generous businesses already tied to the cause

Any questions?


Études de cas

Mirego lance le Projet Team Forward

En 2018, le don moyen au Québec était de 130$, un montant bien en deçà de la moyenne canadienne.

On parle de nous

En 2018, le don moyen au Québec était de 130$, un montant bien en deçà de la moyenne canadienne.

On parle de nous

En 2018, le don moyen au Québec était de 130$, un montant bien en deçà de la moyenne canadienne.

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